Премиум апартаменты на пляже в Валенсии, в аутентичной атмосфере исторического района недалеко от моря со своими традициями и впечатляющими, эффектными праздниками. Откройте для себя Валенсию, проживая в БАРРАКАРТ, настоящем историческом здании в гармонии с его окружением.
Идея проекта зародилась от нашего желания оставить у вас незабываемое, неизгладимое впечатление от пребывания в Валенсии. Всегда отвечая вашим интересам и нуждам, мы предлагаем вам возможность расширить ваше знакомство с Валенсией через погружение в культуру города.
“These seven impossibly stylish apartments are owned by the same family that runs the revered Casa Montana restaurant. They are located in a shabby-chic beachfront neighbourhood of Valencia undergoing a renaissance.”
The Telegraph
“In the Valencia neighborhood of Cabanyal, an old bourgeois house from the 19th century, revives turned into charming prime tourist apartments that, without forgetting its past, embrace the future. Its name unites the street on which it is located, Barraca, with the art that protects its walls turned into antique furniture, paintings, books and illustrations. And everything is domotic so that you don’t cross anyone, if you don’t want to.”
Guía Repsol
“Barracart, Emiliano García and Olga’s embrace of the Cabanyal neighborhood … Superior seaside apartments in Valencia equipped with the latest technology but with the charm of those houses from the beginning of the last century.”
El Mundo
“Barracart’s connection to the neighborhood is clear. Paintings, photographs and books remind us of the wealth and typism of Cabanyal. That old neighborhood of sailors and fishermen, of modernist houses with colored tiles, of wide beaches inspired by artists such as Sorolla or Blasco Ibáñez.”
5Barricas / Valencia Plaza